Aung Pyae

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aungpyae@regardsengineering.comSubscriberSeptember 09 at 3:44 am
This user account status is Approved

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In this tab you can find the latest news and step-by-step guides to do things.

In this tab you can find Folders for each Departments of Regards Engineering Co., Ltd. Access for each folder will be given to employees of relative departments. If you cannot see files under this tab, please contact the IT teams.

This tab is for files cloud storage for each person. You can keep your files in your name folder. If you don’t find your name under this tab, please contact IT team.

Under this tab you can find latest brochure of Regards Engineering Co., Ltd. You can view or even download if you need.

Yes, you can edit or modify the Word or Excel files online or offline.

For PDF documents, some files can be viewed but some are not.

Yes and no, they’re separated. Regards Email is used to open an account in Web portal, so you can set your desired password for your account in web portal. If you set the same password for both Regards Email & Web portal account, they’re same or they’re not. It’s up to you.

Please click on gear icon at bottom right of your account banner section and click on My Account > Change Password and you can set your new password. Or you can request to change your web portal account password via Contact IT team banner.

Please go to webmail by entering the following html in address bar of a browser, “mail.regardsengineering:2096”. Enter your email address and password. And shortcut, contact the IT team, LOL..

For this issue, you can’t do anything about it. Just contact IT team via Contact IT team banner or Email or Viber to get access to those folders.